No, I am not happy with the 64-bit at all. Australia, my location, is probably included in the 'selected geographies' where the 64-bit version has been rolled out. I noted that the Acrobat Pro DC I got is the 64-bit version.
I got a new Windows 10 laptop for work and last week, I installed CC on this laptop. I have a full Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) license the CC suite can be downloaded into 2 laptops. The users should contact the third-party vendor to get the plug-in upgraded to 64-bit." " Adobe will soon release 64-bit Acrobat on Windows 10. Disable the automatic updates in Acrobat Reader DC. Customize Acrobat Reader DC using the Acrobat Customization Wizard and install it. Use an Enterprise or Federated ID to sign in to Acrobat Reader DC. This upgrade is silent and currently applicable to a limited number of users. You are excluded from the automatic upgrade to 64-bit if you do any of the following: If you have installed the 32-bit Acrobat Reader DC application, you will be automatically upgraded to the 64-bit version of Acrobat Reader DC gradually. Now, the 64-bit version of Acrobat Reader DC is available to download for all locales.
"Starting with February 2021 release, 64-bit versions of Acrobat Reader DC, Acrobat Standard DC, and Acrobat Pro DC on Windows are available to download for selected geographies. You will find an option for trial/subscription/enter a license key when you download. If you still qualify for a trial, then just try the software for free. See: if you like to try as this might work for you. So yes, it is possible to download an older version but no, my 32-bit plugin still did not work. I am on Windows 10, and I am located in Australia. I found an installer for an older Acrobat version (Adobe Acrobat 2020) which is most likely to be 32-bit. I have a full Adobe Creative Cloud license.